About us
As a result of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives or BAAC operates according to the aspirations of Ajarn Jamnien Saranak, the pioneer and bestowing the will. For the first generation of BAAC employees, it has become a strong foundation of the organization in helping and elevating the quality of life of Thai farmers throughout the 5th decade, which is the decade of introducing His Majesty's Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej Maha Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great Borommanatbophit, King Rama IX, to apply in working and managing the organization Cultivate sufficiency in the way of Thai farmers in a systematic way. as well as sparking ideas and being the source of the establishment of the museum Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives To be a source of learning about the history of the establishment of the bank Working under the guidelines that Ajarn Chamnien Naga material placed The evolution of the bank from the beginning, to the present and the development that the bank is ready to move forward in the future. All of which are based on the concept of "Beside, The Value" to show The potential of the bank that is ready to drive and alongside Thai farmers forever.

In 2009, the Bank appointed a working group for establishing museums and archives of BAAC history and a working group for library development. and establishing the BAAC archives by presenting them in the framework of "Museum Kiang Khuo Kru Kaew", with the concept of operation in 3 parts:
- Beside - shows the mission and operations of the bank. side by side with farmers, customer.
- The Value - It represents the Bank's ideology, commitment, and policy that fulfills our lives. Farmers, customers in terms of creating jobs, creating careers and elevating the quality of life in a stable and sustainable way.
- BAAC Development - shows background current action and future prospects of the bank.
The purpose of the museum's establishment
- To be a place of pride convey memories and the contemporary spirit of BAAC.
- To collect and disseminate knowledge and the evolution of credit for rural development in Thailand, which was initiated by Ajarn Jamnien Saranak.
- Tool for reviewing the past operations of the BAAC as well as being a tool for human resource development.
- To be a permanent institution for collecting, preserving, communicating and displaying exhibitions, documents, tools and equipment. with historical value of the BAAC.
- To be a place to encourage interested people, especially young people, to realize the importance of the agricultural sector. which is the basis of the country's economy.
- To be a new learning space. This is in line with being a CRS (Corporate Social Responsibility) organization providing services to employees, farmers, farmer institutions. students as well as foreigners who come to study visits and the general public.
Museums: Learning the Past for the Present
Learning exclusively from museums and archives. It will help BAAC employees to remember past events, the roots, and the spirit of the organization. A sense of dignity, understanding, appreciation, self-awareness and pride in being a BAAC employee.
Our museum will be a leading modern museum. Does not focus on learning objects but will focus on links human-human relationship Man and nature, environment, emphasizing the learning process, seeking with movement, life, opportunity for everyone to participate In addition to museums and archives It is also a new part of the organization. reflecting social stability, culture, uniqueness, being a source of pleasant learning with modern technology Help employees become aware of their identity.
“Creating Rural Development Bankers
to raise Thai farmers to a proud society”
- To Inspire - Create personnel to become rural development bankers with moral knowledge consistent with the ideology Teachings of Ajarn Jamnien Saranak, Values and Organizational Culture
- To Engage - Create employee engagement stakeholders in accessing knowledge exchange knowledge between each other, with the museum and the BAAC Archives as the center.
- To Shared - Publish the history of the bank, important projects, as well as developments in the sector's credit. Thai agriculture for external personnel This is public relations and creates a good image of the bank.
- Developing potential for BAAC museums and archives to become learning organizations.